Contact Person: Ms. Salini S Nair
Broadcasting Language: Malayalam, Hindi and English
Genesis: Global Radio was started in 2014 by Global Educational Net, and is situated in Alappuzha district of Kerala. The CRS primarily caters to a farming community, and is dedicated to disseminating knowledge related to the agricultural sector and its allied practices, while also creating awareness around prevalent concerns in the target community. With a diverse range of programmes and initiatives that focus on the welfare of the community, Global Radio is becoming increasingly popular amongst the community members. The CRS has been successful in establishing a strong connection with the community and influencing their lives positively.
Thematic Focus: Global Radio primarily focuses on agriculture and its allied practices. The CRS promotes the sustainable development of the local farming community by promoting effective agricultural practices and the use of the latest technology. The CRS encourages practices like organic farming, and setting up kitchen gardens amongst the local community members.
Sustainable Development Goals: The SDGs that the CRS focuses on are:
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 5: Gender Equality
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Primetime Programmes: Angana is one the popular primetime programmes which is broadcast on Global Radio. The programme has three segments that focus on problems and challenges faced by women in their daily lives, nutrition, and hygiene.
The CRS produces programmes that are community-specific and delivers them in a variety of ways which include pre-recorded talks, expert advice, live phone-in conversations, discussions, etc. Through these programmes, the CRS addresses various issues and concerns in the community and tries to find resilient resolutions.
Innovations in format or any other way: Global Radio narrowcasts its programmes in order to reach a larger audience. The CRS also involves local schools, colleges, and community groups to organise events in the community. This helps the CRS foster a strong relationship with the community, understand their concerns, and design specific initiatives for the same.
Core Team: The core of Global Radio is constituted by the Station Director, Station Manager and other members who contribute to the seamless operation of the CRS. Global Radio is also supported by a dedicated group of volunteers who belong to different walks of life and are enthusiastic about the activities of the CRS.
Major Projects Undertaken: Global Radio has been an active participant in regional and national projects, and has collaborated with organisations like Ideosync, UNICEF, and SMART for different initiatives. The CRS also works on its own internal projects that aim for the welfare of the community.
Sustainable Strategies: Global Radio frequently faces fund shortages and finds it difficult to execute its initiatives. The funds from advertisements and other streams are minimal and are not enough to sustain daily activities of the CRS.
The CRS strives to procure funds and generate revenue through sustained funded collaborations with different organisations and government agencies.
Number of listeners and Potential Outreach: The broadcast range of Global Radio covers at least nine villages that each have a population of more than 50,000 people. The CRS has an active listeners base of at least 45,000 listeners.
Major concerns in the Community: The educational infrastructure in the community needs to be improved. The community also needs access to clean drinking water and effective waste management systems.
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