Krishi Community Radio Station @ 90.4 FM

University of Agricultural Sciences, Sports Arena, Dharwad, Dharwad, Karnataka, India


+91-9448495343, 0836-2214360

6 AM to 9 AM and 6 PM to 9 PM for 6 hours a day

Contact Person: Dr. Surekha Sankangoudar

Broadcasting Language: Kannada 

Genesis: Krishi Community Radio is the first community radio station in India under a state agricultural university and the first in Karnataka state. It was established at the Dharwad campus of University of Agricultural Sciences, on 17th May, 2007 and was inaugurated by Sri Bandeppa Kashempur, the former Minister of Agriculture, Government of Karnataka. The journey of Krishi Community Radio Station has completed sixteen years and it continues to be a guiding force as well as influential voice in the region.  

Thematic Focus: Krishi Community Radio primarily focuses on the empowerment of the farming community in the region. The CRS has developed several programmes related to agriculture to address different needs and concerns of farmers. The CRS also assumes the responsibility of passing crucial information to the farmers about weather, crop prices, government policies etc. 

Sustainable Development Goals: Krishi Community Radio Station focuses on these goals:

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being

SDG 4: Quality Education

SDG 5: Gender Equality

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production


Primetime Programmes: Most of the programmes of KCRS is based exclusively on agriculture. Some of them are Krishi Chintana, and Krishi Kutumba. The programmes often feature interviews with scientists, agriculture experts, agriculturists, and progressive farmers. This ensures knowledge dissemination and exchange which further results in better yield, fair prices and ultimately, better income for the farmers. 

Innovations in format or any other way: KCRS has developed a unique programme called ‘Gram Darshan’ in which the community members come together and create programmes about agricultural activities and practices in the villages. These programmes are created and presented entirely by the community members, and is also a space for them to express their concerns. 

Core Team: The core team at KCRS has five members that include the Programme Officer, Technician, announcer, field facilitator, and transmission assistant. The CRS boasts of an large advisory panel that includes the administrative and executive staff of the university, scientists, agricultural officers, progressive farmers, women representatives, and representatives of NGOs. 

Major Projects Undertaken:·        NABARD (Farmers’ voice), REACH (TB), DST (Women nutrition), Agriculture department(Food security), DST (our earth is for women & children) . AIDs prevention society, Bangalore(HIV AIDS), SRP project, UAS, Dharwad(Dramas on agriculture), UNICEF 9COVID-19), SVEEP, Dharwad district (Awareness about voting) 

KCRS collaborated with NABARD for a programme called Farmers’ Voice. It partnered with DST for campaigns on women’s nutrition and environment. The CRS collaborated with the Agriculture Department for a project on Food Security.  It has also collaborated with organisations like AIDS Prevention Society, Bangalore for awareness of HIV-AIDS. UAS Dharwad, UNICEF, and SVEEP Dharwad are among the other key partners on initiatives pertaining to COVID-19, agriculture, and voting awareness.

Sustainable Strategies: KCRS is completely funded by its parent organisation, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad. KCRS also generates revenue through different externally funded projects.

Number of listeners and Potential Outreach: KCRS covers as many as 41 villages within its broadcast limits. 

Major concerns in the Community:  The farmers need access to the latest technology and agricultural practices to produce better yield. Financial and digital literacies should also be promoted to further enhance their condition and ensure better income.

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